Annual Holiday Tree Lighting

Rotary Club of the Smithfields and Pocono Medical Center hold their annual Christmas Tree Lighting on December 3, 2014.
The Rotary Club of the Smithfields, in conjunction with Pocono Medical Center and the Pocono Health Foundation, held the annual Christmas Tree Lighting at Pocono Medical Center on December 3, 2014.
Hundreds joined the festive occasion, highlighted by performances from the JM Hill Elementary School Choir, the Stroudsburg Middle School Sixth Grade Chorus and the choir from the East Stroudsburg North Senior High School.
The funds raised from this event by Rotary Club and Pocono Health Foundation, resulted in the awarding of $6500 in charitable grants at the event. The grants provided support child based community programs. This year’s grants went to the following recipients:
Deveraux, for its resource library
Kan-dou Kids and Dogs Unite, for anti-bullying programs
Pocono Area Transitional Housing (PATH), for children’s winter boots
Pocono Services for Families and Children, for senior buddy programs
Pregnancy Resource Center, for its Life Steps program
Youth Infusion, Inc., for Shape Up After School Learning
The Rotary Club of the Smithfields wants to thank the many volunteers who helped make this event an enormous success.